Professional Activities

  • Israel Council for Higher Education-Advisory Committee on Data Science, 2018-2019
  • INFORMS von Neumann Theory Prize, 2015{2017; heading the committee in 2017
  • Organizer of the HKUST-Technion 2nd Workshop, jointly with Ron Lavie, Technion,
    September 2016
  • Organizer of the HKUST-Technion 1st Workshop, Technion, May 2014
  • Program Leader, SAMSI 2012-13 Program on Data-Driven Decisions in Healthcare; NSF, Duke, NCSU, UNC, NISS
  • Co-leader of a SAMSI Working Group on \ Data-based Research on Patient Flow”, Fall 2012
  • Advisor to Israeli Council for Higher Education (Malag), 2012
  • ISF Panel Reviews, 2011
  • APS 2011, Stockholm, Sweden, Program Committee, Invited Tutorial
  • OCR Technion Director, 2008-2011
  • ORSIS Mehrez Prize Committee, 2010
  • MSOM Conference, Technion: Organized 2 sessions (6 lectures), SEE-sponsored, on Empirically-based Research in Call-Centers and Hospitals, June 2010
  • BSF Panel Reviews, 2009
  • INFORMS Lancaster Prize Committee, 2006-2008
  • Gruenblat Prize coordinator, Technion IE&M, 2005-2014
  • Associate Editor, Queueing Systems: Theory and Applications (QUESTA), 1994-2008
  • Associate Editor, Management Science, 1997-2008
  • Senior Associate Editor, Manufacturing and Service Operations Management (M&SOM), 2003-2006
  • Associate Editor, Mathematics of Operations Research (MOR), 1990-1999
  • INFORMS Lanchester Prize Committee, 2006-2008
  • APS (Applied Probability Society) Awards Committee, 2006-2008 (Chair, 2007)
  • International Advisory Committee: The 2005 IEEE International Conference on Service Operations, Logistics and Informatics, Beijing, August 2005
  • Program Committee: 13th INFORMS Applied Probability Conference, Ottawa, July 2005
  • Organizing Committee: Call Center Workshop, CRM (Center for Mathematical Research), Montreal, July 2004
  • Program Committee: 12th INFORMS Applied Probability Conference, Beijing, June 2003
  • Yosef Levy ORSIS Prize Committee, 2003
  • Program Committee: The 14th International Symposium on Transportation and Traffic Theory, Jerusalem, 1998
  • Program Committee: The Eleventh International Conference of the Israel Society for Quality, Jerusalem, November 1996
  • Session Organization: Stochastic Networks, 3rd World Congress of the Bernoulli Society and 57th Annual Meeting of the IMS, June 1994
  • Program Committee: INRIA/ORSA/TIMS/SMAI Conference on Applied Probability, Paris, June 1993
  • Session Organization: Bandit Processes, INRIA/ORSA/TIMS/SMAI Conference on Applied Probability, Paris, June 1993
  • Session Organization: Hierarchical Modelling of Queueing Networks, ORSA/TIMS Conference, Philadelphia, October 1990
  • On organization, advisory and prize committees of various conferences
  • Reviewer for the Annals Prob., Annals Stat., Math. OR, Mgt. Science, SIAM J. on Control and Optimization, J. of Multivariate Anal., JASA, NSF (Probability, Statistics, Operations Research and Production Systems), and more