Prof. Avishai Mandelbaum Photo

Professor of Service Engineering, Operations-Research and Statistics
Faculty of Data and Decision Sciences (formerly Industrial Engineering and Management), Technion, Israel

Avishai Mandelbaum is a Professor (emeritus) at the The Faculty of Data and Decision Sciences, Technion, Israel. He has a B.Sc. in Mathematics and Computer Science and an M.A. in Statistics, both summa cum laude from Tel Aviv University. His Ph.D. is in Operations Research, from Cornell University.

After graduation, in 1983, he joined the Graduate School of Business at Stanford University. He then returned to Israel, in 1991, to assume a position at the Technion. He served as IE&M Dean during 2015-2018.

Prof. Mandelbaum is a fellow of INFORMS and MSOM. He was an associate editor of the leading journals in his field, and his research and teaching have enjoyed various prizes, within Technion and beyond. His research covers stochastic models (analysis, asymptotics, control) and statistics, with applications to queueing theory/science and service systems (e.g. tele‐services, hospitals).

Prof. Mandelbaum is a cofounder of the Technion SEE Laboratory. Since its inception in 2007, this lab has been collecting and maintaining a unique rich repository of data from ample service operations. Data granularity is at the level of the individual customer‐server transactions (event logs). And through its data, the SEELab has been supporting worldwide research and teaching of Service Science, Engineering and Management.

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Wilf, M.R., Novikov, I., Ziv, A., Mandelbaum, A., Ritov, Y. and Luxenburg, O., “A Novel Methodology to Measure Waiting Times for Community-Based Specialist Care in a Public Healthcare System”

Mandelbaum, A., Momcilovic, P., Trichakis, N., Kadish, S., Leib, R. and Bunnell, C.A. “Data-Driven Appointment-Scheduling under Uncertainty: The Case of an Infusion Unit in a Cancer Center”

Zychlinski, N., Mandelbaum, A., Momcilovi_c, P. and Cohen, I. “Bed Blocking in Hospitals due to Scarce Capacity in Geriatric Institutions – Cost Minimization via Fluid Models”

Miron, R.W., Novikov, I., Ziv, I., Mandelbaum, A., Ritov, Y. and Luxenburg, O. “A Novel Methodology to Measure Waiting Times for Community-based Specialist Care in a Public Healthcare System”

Customers-Calls Flow (USBank Call Center)
SEEnimations: Service Systems (Call Center) as a Resource-Network
Call Center Network 1 sec Sampling Time Interval
Patients HomeHospital PM
SEEnimations: Data-Animations from Hospitals and Call Centers
Patients Flow/Patient Counts in ED/Wards (HomeHospital)
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